Love, Healing, and Earth Connection

I have spent most of my adult life working as a physical therapist. During my time as a PT, I have been able to incorporate yoga and meditation into my clinical practice. If you know me, you know that I often say that yoga and meditation saved my life. From these practices I grew to know Love – the kind of Love that holds us in a place of acceptance. This Love continues to make me a better human when I choose to listen to it.

This all being said, the school of hard knocks has been one of my educators. I spent most of my life running from love. I’ve made loads of mistakes, been ungrateful, treated land and people (albeit most of the time unknowingly) poorly.

So, before we go any further, if you’re still reading, I’d like to ask you to take a moment to deeply acknowledge and offer gratitude to the land that supports us now. Take a moment to rest your feet on the ground. Notice how your feet rest upon the ground and how the ground gently supports them. Then perhaps notice that you are breathing. Notice your in breath and out breath.  May we offer heartfelt gratitude to the land that supports and nourishes our body. May we recognize our connection to Her through our breath. May we engage in behaviors that support Her well-being.