The Old Wasmer Place
About Us
At The Old Wasmer Place, we believe that the health of people is intricately tied to the health of nature, specifically the land that produces their food. That’s why our mission is simple. Love the land. Feed the community.
The Old Wasmer Place (TOWP) is a family-operated farm located in Green, KS. TOWP is dedicated to using regenerative, sustainable farming practices to produce healthy food for the local community and beyond. We are also dedicated to educating others about regenerative farming practices and the impact land health has on food and human health. Finally, we are transparent about the processes we use to grow food.
Presently, Brandon and LaVerene (pronounced: La-ver-een) Garner steward this land along with their daughter Ellery. The Garners wish to acknowledge that members of the Kanza (Kaw) tribe stewarded this land long before LaVerene’s family. The Kanza (Kaw) were forcibly and unjustly removed from this land which caused great harm to their people. They also recognize the continued presence of the Kanza (Kaw) tribe and offer appreciation for the land management principles used by the Kaw and other tribes. Many of the land management principles used by indigenous tribes are used today by the Garners and local farmers today.