My musings on this journey to find myself and my purpose. Building a self-sustaining farm from the ground up. The right way. Join me on my journey.

  • Owls vs mice 2025

    This year has been quite the adventure.  Oh, the things we have done and learned.  We have received many lessons that we didn’t want.  We listened to the lessons and they offered us clues to the imbalances present on our farm.  One of these lessons involved owls and mice.  Blessedly, we have owls.  The barred…

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  • Love, Healing, and Earth Connection

    I have spent most of my adult life working as a physical therapist. During my time as a PT, I have been able to incorporate yoga and meditation into my clinical practice. If you know me, you know that I often say that yoga and meditation saved my life. From these practices I grew to…

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